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Doctor Profile
Yoshiro Fujii

Shin-KOBE Dental clinic
Doctor of Medical Dentistry
- Name : Yoshiro Fujii
- 1967-1973 : Unchu elementary school (Kobe) / Nishimaiko elementary school (Kobe) / Shinryoudai elementary school (Kobe)
- 1973-1976 : 1973-1976 Rokko junior high school (Kobe)
- 1976-1979 : 1976-1979 Rokko high school (Kobe)
- 1979-1985 : 1979-1985 Aich Gakuin University School of Dentistry (Nagoya, Aichi-pre)
- 1985-1989 : 1985-1989 Aich Gakuin University Graduate school (Nagoya, Aichi-pre)
- 1979 : Graduated high school, Kobe
- 1985 : BA of Dentist ( Aichi Gakuin University, Nagoya)
- 1985 : D.D.S. ( certificated by Japanese Health Ministry)
- 1989 : Finished Graduate school, Nagoya
- 1989 : Ph.D (Aich Gakuin University Graduate school, Nagoya)
Relevant experience
- Reward : Koide prize 1985 (Aichi Gakuin University, Nagoya)
- Writing : Four published works (Japanese)
- 2000 : Start to run Shin-Kobe Dental Clinic (Kobe)
- 2009 : Fellow of the international college of acupuncture and electro-therapeutics(F.I.C.A.E)
- 2014 : Editorial Board Members of Savvy science publisher (http://savvysciencepublisher.com/ebm-jd/)
- 2015 : Editorial board member of British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research (http://www.sciencedomain.org/editorial-board-members.php?id=12)
- Occlusal treatment
- Electro-magnetic Waves
Book that Dr.Fujii wrote

Counterattack from odontology department

Medical treatment revolution from odontology department

Effects of Occlusion Magic

Dental clinic to which patient surges